New elective course for IIS students – Data Analytics for Information Systems

Dear IIS students,

This semester, the new group of the Assistant Professorship of Digital Transformation / Bits to Energy Lab Nuremberg offers a new elective course:

Data Analytics for Information Systems

IIS Master students are particularly welcome to still join the course, which takes place on

Mondays, 9:45 -11:15, room 0.143

Tuesdays, 8:00 – 9:30, room 0.143

This course provides a hands-on introduction to master the essentials of data analytics and machine learning using R. The growing ubiquity of information systems both in organizational and private contexts increasingly makes large data streams available in various domains. Knowing how to handle these data sets, how to analyze and to interpret them, becomes a more and more important skillset in companies, policymaking and in academic research.

The course builds on real-word data sets from information systems in the realm of consumer behavior, in particular in the resource consumption context. Based on hands-on examples and practical challenges, we cover fundamental data analytics methods using the software environment R. The course starts with basic concepts from descriptive and inferential statistics that will be needed in the following course units, followed by an introduction to the statistics software R and R Studio. Students will be introduced to experimental design to distinguish between correlation and causation and to critically evaluate the validity and reliability of results. In the following, a large share of the course is dedicated to regression analysis, clustering, and different classification techniques. Students will apply these methods to data sets from concrete real-world challenges. The course closes with a discussion of relevant privacy regulations and also highlights social concerns and ethical aspects.

Please register for the module on StudOn (password: Bits2EnergyDAIS2019).

More information can be found at the following website: